IMPORTANT NOTICE *The SPRAY TANNING SIDE OF ATTAGIRL Thank you for visiting our website, Please note: We are not taking new spray tan clients until further notice
However, Please browse our website and contact Wendy if you would like to pop into our little Wendy House shop!
Please browse our website for other goodies on offer!click on links below!
Attagirl Accessories Sparkle Collection
You can now find us in:
Attagirl Gift Vouchers available for our beautiful new range of accessories, including our new wrap bracelets!
Recommended Exfoliating products AVAILABLE for your personal use or for your next self tan _____________________________________________________________________
_______________________________________________________________________________ See our O'Stuff page for new exciting goodies available Metallic tattoos! The perfect accessory to compliment your beautiful tan - simple - easy to apply - lasts for 3 to 5 days simple to apply - it will take around 20 seconds! Megan wearing her tattoos - very creative! contact Wendy for more info 083 257 6899
The perfect way to show off those tanned toes! Ladies - see a few examples of our STUNNING range of Foot Jewellery on O'Stuff page Perfect for that beach wedding, beach holiday, pool parties or just for fun! wear them with your high-heels or pumps .. but best worn barefoot! over 70 different designs to choose from
Beautiful necklace's, bracelet's, anklet's, earring's and other stuff!! inexpensive gifts for any occasion! contact Wendy for more info 083 257 6899 __________________________
Attagirls WEDDING Collection!
Collection of beautiful hand made accessories contact Wendy 083 257 6899 for more info.
Other Attagirl products include:
The Baiden Mitten imported from the US
Demasuri Exfoliating Mitten imported from the US
See mobile page for these amazing exfoliating products Find and share Baiden Mitten South Africa on FACEBOOK __________________________________________
DARKENING make-up drops available Perfect solution to matching your foundation make up with your sexy tan No need to buy extra shades of foundation. Just add a drop of Essence Darkening drops to your existing foundation, mix and apply as usual. Adjust the amount as your tan fades. No more problem of white face against beautiful tanned body!
copyright 2008 WendyO |
for queries or comments about this website contact the web master