Attagirls Sparkle Collection

Ladies - see our STUNNING range of Wrap Bracelets!

price R200 to R300



Friendship Rings



mix and match, wear single, or stack them up!

metal and blues fashion rings

R40 each






Attagirls  Barefoot Sandals


the perfect way to show off those tanned toes!

Ladies - see our STUNNING range of Foot Jewellery

   at Attagirl Spray Tan!




Perfect for that beach wedding, beach holiday, pool parties or just for fun!

wear them with your high-heels or pumps .. but best worn barefoot!

over 90 different designs to choose from





Collection of beautiful hand made accessories

contact Wendy for more info.083 257 6899







We have a stunning range of metallic tattoos

simple to apply - lasts for around 3 days

PRICE: R30 a sheet


Contact Wendy 083 257 6899



Attagirls Sparkle Collection!

Beautiful necklace's, bracelet's, anklet's, earring's and other stuff!! 

inexpensive gifts for any occasion!





Contact Wendy for more info!



Below is a copy of the advert that Dj Fresh broadcasted on his show promoting Attagirl Spray Tan service




Mayo Clinic News

Sunless tanning: A safe alternative to sunbathing

Sunless tanning is a practical alternative to sunbathing. Find out how sunless tanning products work, including possible risks and how to get the best results.

By Mayo Clinic staff

Don't want to expose your skin to the sun's damaging rays, but don't want to miss out on that sun-kissed glow? Consider striking a compromise with sunless tanning products. Start by understanding how sunless tanning products work — and the importance of applying them correctly and carefully.

How do sunless tanning products work?

Sunless tanning products, also called self-tanners, can give your skin a tanned look without exposing it to harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays. Sunless tanning products are commonly sold as creams, gels, lotions and sprays you apply to your skin. Professional spray-on tanning also is available at many salons, spas and tanning businesses.

The active ingredient in most sunless tanning products is dihydroxyacetone (DHA). When applied to the skin, DHA reacts with dead cells in the outermost layer of skin to temporarily darken the skin's appearance. The colouring doesn't wash off, but it gradually fades as the dead skin cells slough off — typically within a few days.

Most sunless tanning products don't contain sunscreen. If you spend time outdoors, sunscreen remains essential.

What about sunless tanning pills?

Sunless tanning pills, which typically contain the colour additive canthaxanthin, are unsafe. When taken in large amounts, canthaxanthin can turn your skin orange and cause hives. Sunless tanning pills can also cause liver damage and lead to the formation of crystals in the retina of the eye (canthaxanthin retinopathy).

 Sunless tanning: A safe alternative to sunbathing

What can you expect from sunless tanning products?

Sunless tanning products typically go on clear. It usually takes about an hour to see results. Full color typically appears within eight to 24 hours. People who have medium complexions without freckles often get the best results.

Is sunless tanning safe?

Topical sunless tanning products are generally considered safe alternatives to sunbathing, as long as they're used as directed.









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